Friday 29 July 2011

How you know when you have grown up

Today (I am sad to say) I have finally at the age of 27 become an adult.

Becoming and adult and growing up is defined differently by different people. For some people it's when they get their first job, for others it's owning a car or moving out of home.

For me my adulthood came into being upon being excepted for my 1st contract phone!

I am now the proud owner of a Samsung Galaxy S2. I am currently awaiting my old phone number to be ported across and then I will embark on an adventure into a new shiny world of Android apps and trying not to go over my limits and run up a huge phone bill! If anyone can recommend good cheap or free Android apps for me to try then please let me know so that I don't end up downloading a whole bunch of shiny crap!

Monday 25 July 2011

Why I don't like Mondays (it's a pity that life can't be like the song)

So Back to work and back to the Blog after an uneventful weekend which involved me having to work on Saturday -.-

Like many people I am not over convinced that Mondays should be allowed. I am always over tired on Monday mornings and the struggle to get into work is never that enjoyable. Once at work I realise that I have forgotten how awful work (including the people) is. How strange that 2 days away can lead to memory loss!

Monday is always the day that I do the least amount of work - even though there is the most amount of work to do as various things have built up over the weekend.

So more often than not I turn to the Internet to provide me with interesting news; and by golly to day it certainly did!

Kevin Williamson: 'Fans of Vampire Diaries will enjoy Secret Circle'

For those not in the know "The Secret Circle" trilogy by L.J. Smith is one of the best (teen)fantasy series going. Long before your "Twilight" etc. it tells the story of a girl who finds out she is part of an elite group on teenage witches and who she has to battle love, her past and of course evil! Whilst my description does not do it justice at all I highly recommend getting the books for yourself and giving them a good read before the TV series hits our screens.

So back to the Monday hating.

Or not as I am far to excited by this news! Even though the series will probably ruin the books I will still be hunting it out to have a good look!

Friday 22 July 2011

Of Facebook culling and real life friend removal

So on Wednesday I did something that was long overdue - a facebook cull. Browsing through my "friends" I notice people that I don't speak to any more, or think that I will ever speak to again. I also see people that I never even liked who's friend requests I excepted out of curiosity to  see what kind of life they were living now. My delete button was hit more often than not leaving me with less than half of the friends that I had to start with. In one easy and effective click I had removed these people from my life.

So why can it not be this easy to remove people who are around in your everyday life? It is nearly impossible to cut some people out as they hang tenaciously on by their finger tips desperate to be involved with you in some way. I don't understand some people who claim to still be best friends with all of the exact same people they were friends with when they were 10 when the only thing that they now have in common is that they were friends when they were 10! At some point you need to trim back on the dead weight and allow room for new friendships which would possibly be more fulfilling. (In writing this I have noticed that I am unable to type the word "friend" correctly - thank god for spell check!).

Maybe there should be some sort of protocol for removing people from your life other than ignoring them until they give up and go away. If only we could just text the person in question the simple message of "deleted" and from that point onwards they would no that you never wanted to hear from them again. But unfortunately in this society I have heard that people have this things called "feelings" which are apparently quite easy to hurt so this idea would no doubt end in a world full of people either madly raging or crying and rocking in a corner.

So for now we shall bide our time but if you ever receive a text from me (or from anyone else) that just says "deleted" - you will know that our anti-feelings (mini)revolution to remove our dead weight friendships has begun!

Thursday 21 July 2011

A Bright New Day (or a grey miserable one as it turns out)

So day two.......

Moss and Mr. Toast
I thought I would share one of my current favourite online shops where I can satisfy my need for toast shaped items with faces! (Amongst other things).

Ji Ji Kiki - Kawaii jewellery and kitsch jewellery.

On a completely unrelated subject I am currently checking out Google+ which seems ok, but has not convinced me yet to move over from facebook. The main reason? I'm addicted to facebook gaming. I play the games in the morning, in the evening, at work (on my breaks of course ;P) and to the despair of my boyfriend all weekend too.

So a quick run down of the two that I mostly play.

Firstly we have Dungeon Overlord (

This is basically a Dungeon Keeper style game. You build various rooms in your dungeon, attract your minions then go off on a raiding and pillaging adventure. Gaining levels unlocks the ability to expand into new dungeons whilst leveling the creatures and rooms inside your dungeons awards special bonuses.

It's the kind of game that you only need to log onto once a day for 15 minutes, but it's also the kind of game that sucks you into mindlessly staring at it.

Secondly we have Bush Whacker (

Bush Whacker takes the model of an RPG without the nasty inconvenience of dying. You have energy which you use "whacking" bushes and critters, you gain mana from pots that you find enabling a "Spell Whack" which decimates all in the zone you are in. You also obtain power which muliplies the number of items you recieve when "whacking". Quests help top up you xp as you level through differently themed zones (mountains, jungle, and under water as well as a mad scentist's castle and a Wizard of Oz themed area). The game is also full of pop culture references. You help an investigator called Horatio Caine as well as encoutering a pair of American Pilgrims called Scott and Ramona.

Once again a game that can give you a quick fix for 15 minutes a day, but also a game that quickly becomes addictive!

So here ends my sencond day of blogging about stuff and also things - I shall be back with more inane nonsense tommorrow!

Wednesday 20 July 2011

The Beginning (Again!)

Hello tiny world!

So once again I am going to try to start blogging. Everyone that knows me will know that I always have a lot to say, but it seems that I have always been to lazy to carry on a blog for more that 1 week. 

So this year I have been mostly reliving my childhood through the medium of Enid Blyton box sets.

Now while to some people this might seem quite sad I cannot recommend it enough! Midnight exploits and strange goings on abound and while Enid Blyton and her casual racism might not be every one's cup of tea, I'm sure the same warm nostalgia can be achieved by reading any of your favourite childhood books. (By "childhood books" I do mean books aimed at children as opposed to my favourite book as a child which was a toss up between Pride and Prejudice or The Hound of The Baskervilles).

So that's it for this 1st post (which is really made of fail when I come to think about it!) Hopefully more interesting things will occur in the near future!